Monday, April 19, 2010

Backyard project

This weekend I focused more on my backyard than my front yard for a change. My backyard flower beds are very simple and I only had to plant a few new plants, but they were over-run by the same shrub as the front yard.
First I pulled up a whole 32 gallon trash can full of the vines from hell along with weeds and grass that had started to find it's way into this area. Then I planted a pink rhododendron and a pink and white camillia and spread two huge bags of mini pine bark mulch. I still need to buy another two bags to finish the left side, but it looks tons better! Plus I had already planted two May Night Salvia Plants last week and a Hydrangea a few weeks ago.
I also planted two more flowers for my butterfly garden...I can't wait for those to start blooming! I planted a Red Peony and another plant that, for the life of me, I cannot remember its name. I am surprising myself with my growing knowledge of flower names and the conditions they grow in, but I'm still working on mastering it!
I have decided to embrace the fact that grass is trying to grow in my front flower bed with my Nandina bushes and after this year I am not going to plant any more annuals there. I've also decided to keep the huge rocks I lugged accross the yard to make a border for that flower bed and just rake up the rubber mulch I painstakingly spread and put it in my flower beds directly infront of my porch. Eventhough it wasn't my inital plan, I must admit I kind of like the rustic feel of the over-grown flower bed. I will have to start using the weed eater on the flower bed so it doesn't look completely unintentional.
I actually got out my camera this weekend and documented my work on my flower beds. I haven't downloaded the photos to my computer, so I will have to post the results later on.
I love my new found hobby!

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