Monday, August 02, 2010

Bathroom Remodel

Lately, I've been up to my elbows in home improvement projects. A few weeks ago, John and I finished remodeling our downstairs bathroom...finally. We had already painted it when we first moved in and now we have replaced the flooring and added a new sinktop to the already existing vanity.
The past two weeks I have been working on the upstairs bathroom. Weekend before last, I removed the towel bars, pictures, mirror, and shelf from the walls and painted the ceiling. Then I ripped up most of the old lamenent flooring. This weekend I patched the ceiling and touched up the paint, dry wall mudded, sanded and primered the walls.
This week I plan to have John finish pulling up the flooring and baseboards, paint them, paint the walls and cabinents and install the new cabinent knobs, and install the new blinds. Where I will find time to do this is another problem I will have to solve.
Next week will have to be the flooring installation along with installing the new faucets and shower head.
I figured now is the most opportune time to do these projects for two reasons. One, they need to get done and will help to sell the house when we decide to move in a few years and it's better to get them over with. Two, eventually we want to have kids and I don't know when I'd have the time to do home improvement projects and chase kids around the house. :)
At least I'm learning to fix stuff around the house without too much assistance...wish me luck!

1 comment:

Donna Dilley said...

Love you, slow down and get plenty of rest. You'll need to conserve your energy for the baby.