Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More nightmares

I had another bad dream last night...big surprise. Me and my dad were together and some guy was shooting at us from outside of this dumpy house we were hiding in. What is wrong with me?
It seems like everytime I think I'm in a better state of mind something happens to bring me back down. Well I'll just get back up as always. I don't have time for counseling anymore so I'll just have to counsel myself.
I got the job on campus, but it sucks because I have to walk to work at 8:30am...oh well. It's such an easy job and they said i can bring my laptop too. Tomorrow I think I'm going to take my Veronica Mars dvd set of season 2 and watch it if I have free time.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Random Happenings

I moved into my new apartment...I'd post pictures, but there's really not much to see yet. I have a queen size bed...I've never had a bed this big, but I still only sleep on one side while Ruffy sleeps on the other haha. I stopped neglecting him now that I have lots of extra room.

Yesterday was a bad day. I woke up at 8:30 sick and vomiting...and did that at 9:30 and 10:30. My parents came down to bring me sick food, which was really nice of them. Chicken soup, crackers, jello, sprite, and juice really make me feel better when my stomach is upset. I layed in the bed until they got here around 1 something. During that time I talked to Han Sol on the phone for an hour. I'm so glad we got to talk that long; it's been awhile. I'm really sad she's leaving; I'm gonna miss her more than she knows.

Something happened yesterday to remind me that at least one person (usually more than one) has been against every single relationship I have ever been in.

My apartment is so damn lonely. Earlier this week (before I had officially moved in) Andrea and Austin got bored and decided to go home. Sean (the roommate none of us have met) hasn't moved in yet...I'm starting to wonder if he changed his mind or something.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Always something new

Tonight I was hanging out with one of my residents and he told me about a quiz he took to see what city (in the US) he is mostly likely to enjoy living. So I decided to take the quiz too. My top city was Honolulu, Hawaii haha isn't that's so darn expensive though. The next ones were in California haha big surprise there. No wonder I've thought of living in these places! :) Maybe one day...
Last night I started looking into massage therapy haha there's a school in charlotte and charleston also. If I go full time it takes 6 months, if I go part time it takes 1 year...I'm always thinking of something new...what's wrong with me...
Too ambitious! :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dreams and Goals (Not While you were Sleeping)

What is a dream it necessary for it to be something you have wanted your whole life...or is it possible for it to also be something you've wanted for a shorter time period. Is a dream considered a dream when it's a long term goal or can a person achieve new dreams every day? I like to think the latter is the best way to look at it. Never settle in life... you never know what kind of hand you will get next and it may not seem like it could be any better than the hand that you used to have if you don't try again?

Ok I'm done ranting on and on about things...whoever is reading this probably doesn't even know what I am refering to or where I am coming from, but maybe they'll read it and kind of understand.

One of my short term dreams might come true this month. I found out today that my favorite artist Kurt Halsey is going to be in Atlanta this month. I am trying to figure out a time that I can go with my friend Jaime. I haven't been on an old fashioned road trip in quite some time, and I've never been on one to see artwork. While I won't be able to actually meet him, because he is only going to be in Atlanta for one day (this Saturday) I am so thrilled to get to see his work in person.

I already own one art piece (by Junko Kawashima) thanks to a good friend of mine. One day I want to own a piece by Kurt Halsey as well as many others...I plan to have a gallery in my house dedicated to smaller time artists...not to say that these artists aren't popular and VERY talented (they are) they're just not as well known as some artists...the artists that are dead are remembered the most...isn't it weird how art works that way. These are two artists that have really influenced me...while I am not at all like them in my artist style and ability; they are what I achieve to be and their art is my favorite kind. I also like artists like Kara Walker. She is a very talented woman.

It's interesting how life-altering changes (ones you pray will happen, but secretly wish they wouldn't) can change your life for the better; even when you don't expect it. Some people change your life for the better; some people make you a better person for knowing matter how long of short you knew them. At times I wish things would never change, but I've come to realize that things are always changing...every day. It's impossible to think that things will never change, because I'm not even the same person I was an hour ago.